
Compliance with the Law on Private Security

“The art of being sometimes audacious and sometimes very prudent is the secret of success.”


Watchout securtity undertakes to:

  • draft and update the Act on Risk Assessment in the Protection of Persons, Property and Business and at the request of the user
  • maintains the existing video security system in proper and functional condition in accordance with the Law on Private Security
  • draft a Security Plan, ie a Plan for the technical protection system
  • draft Terms of Reference
  • make a graphic presentation of the layout of installed devices and technical protection systems
  • report the “Contract for the installation of technical protection system” to the competent police administration within 8 days from the date of signing
  • handover in accordance with the Law on Private Security
  • perform expert supervision over the execution of works
  • perform Technical acceptance of the technical protection system
  • to certify Annex 1 – Certificate on the performed technical protection system and Annex 2 – Record on the performed technical acceptance of the technical protection system
  • to report the “Contract on maintenance and servicing of technical means” to the competent police administration within 8 days from the date of signing
  • to certify Annex 3 – Record on performed maintenance of the technical protection system for each intervention on the video security system
  • for the purposes of control, by the police officer, ensure the presence of the responsible person
  • during the provision of the service, proposes measures to improve the private security service
  • collect documentation for the used technical means which in terms of quality, safety and guarantees, must meet the legal norms and technical standards valid in the Republic of Serbia