
Preventive Patrol Service

Action is the foundational key to all success.”

Pablo Picasso

In situations where On-Site Guarding Service is very often expensive and unnecessary, the occasional presence of security officers is adequate protection.

Engaging a patrol team involves a preventive tour of users at different times of the day and night, which does not allow the establishment of a pattern that would make the planning of the crime easy.

Providing this service maximizes the security of the protected facility.

Preventive tours are adapted to user requirements.

They are performed at times when there is the greatest need for it.

All members of the patrol team are at a high level of training and equipment.

The key benefits of the service are:

  • Tours at different time intervals;
  • Electronic check-in at the facility;
  • Control of the most critical points on the protected facility;
  • Presence of security officers;
  • Electronic reporting to the users with photos.