Breath alcohol test
“Ninety-nine percent of all surprises in business are negative!”
Harold Geneen
Turn these statistics to the benefit of your organization.
Business success largely depends on human resources.
Cases of unethical and unprofessional behavior and situations when employees appeared at work intoxicated are increasingly recorded.
Injuries at work and other inconveniences are becoming more frequent.
Due to the mentioned reasons, employers are increasingly opting for the service of breath alcohol testing of employees. This kind of information, companies can use to take adequate measures to combat such behavior in the future thus ensuring the smooth business.
Providing the service of breath alchohol testing of employees through Ethylmeter Alcotest DRAGER 6810 (the device has a Certificate of the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals on the fulfillment of the conditions prescribed by the Rulebook on Metrological Conditions for ethyl meters) by certified persons.
The service is provided every working day of the month, in the period from 8 am to 4 pm, and on that occasion at least five people can be tested.
Excerpt from current legislation:
According to the Labour Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013 and 75/2014 – hereinafter: the Law), the reasons for lay off are prescribed by Article 179. According to this regulation, the employer may terminate the employment contract of an employee who does not respect work discipline, among other things to coming to work under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, or the use of alcohol or other intoxicants during working hours, which has or may affect work (Article 179, paragraph 3, item 4) of the Law).
According to paragraph 4 of the same regulation, the employer may refer the employee for an appropriate analysis to an authorized health institution determined by the employer, at his own expense, in order to determine the circumstances referred to in paragraph 3, item. 3and 4 of this Article or to determine the existence of the stated circumstances in another way in accordance with the general act. The refusal of the employee to respond to the employer’s invitation to do the analysis is considered non-compliance of work discipline in terms of paragraph 3 of this article.
As proof of compliance with the regulations below you can see the following documents:
- Certificate of approval of type of measuring instrument – 6810
- Certificate for the use of ALCOTEST devices