

In order to facilitate the installation, assembly, programming, adjustment, commissioning and use of the system, we have the opportunity to offer you instructions that will certainly help you in your further work. If you have a suggestion to add or update any of the instructions, feel free to contact us at the link below.

Video surveillance systems:

User Manual for Dahua XVR Series Recorders

User guide for installing the DAHUA camera tracking application

User Manual for Dahua Recorder NVR 3204 3208 3216

User guide for downloading data for video surveillance application installation

User guide for setting switches

DAHUA Storage Calculator Reference

CHECKLIST for the release of the VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM on MONITORING v2, 23.10.2020

Instructions for setting up a video surveillance system for remote monitoring

Alarm systems:

User manual for programming the code on the alarm system

User manual for Paradox exchanges MG and SP Srp

CHECK LIST for the release of the ALARM SYSTEM on MONITORING v2, 23.10.2020

Instructions for setting up an alarm system for a remote monitoring service

Panic key:

Instructions for using the panic button service

Parking ramps:

ICARUS_ENG_V04 ramp installation and commissioning instructions

User manual for parking ramps

Access control systems:

M3EM Reader User Guide

User manual for coders and readers K30, S602EM, K5, K9

User manual for programming MobTeh intercom

Time and attendance system:

User manual for using the ZKTIME time and attendance system

TT2 Encoder User Guide

User Guide zkreport 2016

User Guide_for_ zksoftware _v 2011

Table for entering Employees in ZKSOFTWARE

Instructions for using the zksoftware time and attendance software

Security service control system:

Instructions for reading the patrol camp